I think just like about everywhere in the United States and all over the world, Sunday dinner is probably the one time of week where everyone in the family actually comes together and sit down for dinner. I think that's the one day of the week where everyone can relax and think about anything except family and maybe that game that's on or coming on. For most of us who attend church it also the one day of the week that we use to keep the family way of life going. The whole week we are running from one place to the other and making that money we need to keep the family's way of life going. Some of us even sneak a few hours in on Saturdays. Well that's how it use to be. Nowadays there is no such thing as the 9-5 job. Jobs these days are whenever you are needed and whenever they want you to work, that includes night and/or day. Still we try to keep some form of normality to the family structure, and that's usually Sunday dinner.
In Jamaica, Sunday dinner is very special for us. That's the one day of the week that we save the best for. It doesn't matter what we have to eat during the week, Sunday is going to have something special about it, and that's usually Rice and Peas. Even if we have the same meat during the week that we have on Sunday, that rice and peas is what makes it special. I'm sure most of us have had some form of rice and peas, but most people that I know who have had the Jamaican type of rice and peas , have said there's something special about it.
Well, I was always told that if you have something special, the way to make it more special is to share it. The request for this recipe was a request from a very nice lady who read my blog and shared with me just how much she enjoy visiting my lovely homeland of Jamaica. She has a blog herself and in her last post she state she's undecided as to where to go for her next vacation. She's thinking of going back to Jamaica. I hope she does. Check her blog out, it call Counting the Days. She from the lovely state of Hawaii. Well Deborah, here's your rice and peas recipe. And for everyone else who would like to try it , Enjoy!!!